Remember to participate in the GIVEAWAY on Instagram for a FREE WEBSITE!

🇺🇸 Giveaway - Im giving away a full personalized and programed website for you or your business. Leave a like to the post | Follow my account @lucoadvertising | Tag some friends to participate.

🏆 The winner will be announced on July 15 of 2023.

WINNER: @florenciarestom

What are the advantages of optimizing the commercial/digital communication funnel of a business at a technical level?

Efficiency improvement: By optimizing the funnel, you can detect and correct any weak point or bottleneck in the sales and communication process. This leads to greater efficiency in lead generation, the conversion of potential customers into sales and interaction with customers.

Increased conversion: Analyzing and optimizing each stage of the funnel, from attracting visitors to completing a purchase, can improve the conversion rate. This means that a higher percentage of visitors will become customers, consequently increasing revenue and return on investment.

Better segmentation and personalization: By having a deeper understanding of customers through data analysis and segmentation tools, you can offer a more personalized and relevant communication. This generates a more satisfactory experience for customers, increasing the possibility of them making repeated purchases and becoming loyal customers.

Increased customer satisfaction: By optimizing the funnel, the customer experience can be improved at every step of the process. Clear and effective communication, combined with trouble-free navigation and shopping experience, generates greater customer satisfaction. This can lead to positive reviews, recommendations and long-term loyalty.

Maximization of return on investment (ROI): By optimizing the funnel, you can maximize ROI by improving the efficiency of marketing and advertising campaigns, reducing customer acquisition costs and increasing revenue generated by sales. This means obtaining a higher value of each dollar invested in business and communication strategies.

Obtaining knowledge and analysis: By optimizing the funnel, numerous data is collected and valuable knowledge is obtained about customer behavior, market trends and campaign performance. This knowledge allows you to make more informed decisions and make continuous strategic adjustments to further improve results. In summary, the technical optimization of a company's digital commercial/communicative funnel brings advantages such as greater efficiency, increased conversion, personalization, customer satisfaction, ROI maximization and a solid basis for data-driven decisions. These benefits contribute to growth and long-term success in the digital environment.


if not, WE CREATE IT
Digital marketing strategy and implementation

Let's get started now and save time.

  • Lower costs
  • Better performance
  • More peace of mind


Choose the best for you

The free trial guarantees you won't pay until you're 100% sure. Immediately start the free trial, we will contact you to arrange a meeting.


More perspective = greater probability of success

  • 4 1 hour meetings
  • 1 hour technical support
  • Support via Whatsapp


Let's build a solid foundation for your brand!

  • Web development
  • Google Ads campaigns
  • Facebook advertising campaigns
  • Business metaconfiguration
  • Digital marketing strategy
  • Funnel systematization


For those who need everything YESTERDAY

  • High Priority
  • Web Development
  • Google Ads Campaigns
  • Facebook Advertising Campaigns
  • Business Metaconfiguration
  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Funnel Systematization


More perspective = greater probability of success

  • 4 1 hour meetings
  • 1 hour technical support
  • Support via Whatsapp


Let's build a solid foundation for your brand!

  • Web development
  • Google Ads campaigns
  • Facebook advertising campaigns
  • Business metaconfiguration
  • Digital marketing strategy
  • Funnel systematization


For those who need everything YESTERDAY

  • High Priority
  • Web Development
  • Google Ads Campaigns
  • Facebook Advertising Campaigns
  • Business Metaconfiguration
  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Funnel Systematization


3 simple steps:



Monitoring and optimization


Latest developments and optimizations

  • Jana Tailor Made

    #website #redes #SEO #SEM

  • Roma Film Music Festival 3a Edizione

    #website #redes #SEO #SEM

  • Nativo Viajes

    #website #redes #SEO #SEM

  • MKB Neumáticos

    #ecommerce #redes #SEO #SEM

  • Elevamaq SAS

    #website #SEO

  • BRINDA Wine Experience

    #website #SEO

  • Be Más Que Humano

    #ecommerce #SEO

  • Aquafast Piscinas

    #website #SEO #SEM


The voice of truth

  • Working with Luco has been a life changing decision. Not just for my personal businesses, but also for some of my client’s businesses. He has so much information and clever ideas in the marketing world. Even though I have done ads before, it is crazy how much I learnt with Luco. And the new ROAS I am achieving is mind blowing!! Will definitely continue to hire and highly recommend đź’Ş

  • From the first moment we had an excellent experience.

    He showed great interest in getting acquainted with our company and our products/services and thus being able to give us impeccable technical support and creative advice.

  • A transformative journey from our crossroads.

    Continuous learning and a lot of humanity! It is very comforting to hear that we continue to be allies and accompany each other in joint growth.

  • L. Botta Bernaus
    Insurance producer and consultant & lawyer.

    I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to Luco for his excellent work in developing the identity of my "Leonardo Botta Bernaus" brand.

    Luco has demonstrated a deep knowledge and exceptional ability to highlight the solidity and consistency of my work as a lawyer and insurance consultant manufacturer.

I work with the best tools and certifications:

Create, edit and design content with the most widely used professional tools on the market, ensuring compatibility and quality.

Google Partner

SEO, SEM, Tracking and Optimization along with Google, using their full suite of online tools.

Meta Business Partner

Social media advertising, Instagram Shopping, Facebook Store, Pixel and all your digital assets connected and working on Meta Business.

Licenza Rapid Weaver

Landing pages, websites and eCommerce optimized for digital performance and conversions, with design, speed and sustainability.

PayPal Business

Integrated payment method and gateway with Ecwid used as a preferential method in Europe and the United States by several market leaders.

Stripe Integration

Integrated payment method and gateway with Ecwid used as a preferential method in Europe and the United States by several market leaders.

Adobe Suite

Create, edit and design content with the most widely used professional tools on the market, ensuring compatibility and quality.

Creative, methodological and sustainable advertising.

The impact of using a tool is determined by the intention and objectives with which the user manipulates that tool.

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